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E-Learning Platform

Our client operates an online learning platform to aid medical professionals. They provide wound care clinicians on-demand access to the latest evidence at point-of-care and continuing education credits.



E-learning Web Portal

Our client wanted to spread awareness about their product and attract healthcare officials but lacked a cohesive marketing strategy, ad assets, microsites, ad account setup, and tracking. The client required a strategy that would bring them more targeted leads.


The client aimed to get more individual and enterprise subscriptions to their product and for that, he needed:

  • A lead generation engine
  • A low cost per lead
  • A high conversion rate
  • A high retention rate


  • No cohesive marketing strategy
  • Lack of ad setup
  • No email campaign
  • No microsite
  • No customer retention tactics



We examined and assessed the needs and challenges of the target audience, studied the previous marketing assets, studied the marketing initiatives of the competitors, and designed a clear marketing strategy that would transform the potential prospects into leads.

Our marketing process was a typical sales funnel i-e use various social media ad platforms to direct the target audience on the specialized microsites. When on this microsite, the visitors will provide their contact details in exchange for the lead magnet (free trial, e-book).

Steps of


We began by creating the assets required for the creation of a complete sales funnel. Among these assets were the following:

  • Highly customized landing pages
  • Lead magnets for the landing pages
  • Google and social media ad campaigns
  • Email campaigns and automation sequences
  • Lead nurturing assets


After creating the assets, we began the ad campaigns by launching traffic and awareness campaigns. We tested:

  • Different social media platforms
  • Various audience segments
  • Ad content i-e creatives, copy etc
  • Different landing pages and lead magnets

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Implementation Process

After the testing phase, our efforts were focused on implementing a sales funnel. The steps that we followed were:

The process of implementation of sales funnels includes:


We initiated a traffic campaign to direct the target audience to the landing page we created.


Once the visitors showed interest in the lead magnets, we used retargeting ads to further grab their interest.


Once the visitors downloaded our lead magnets in exchange for their emails id, we would add them to our email marketing automation sequences to nurture them, to make a purchase.


Email campaigns in newsletter formats, webinars, automation, and good customer support ensured customer loyalty and retention after purchase.


Email campaigns in newsletter formats, webinars, and good customer support ensured customer loyalty and retention.


— we achieved
cost per lead

“Nothing is more important than healthcare. Our goal was to help medical officials solve any problems they would be facing when treating their patients. However, our reach was limited due to a lack of marketing strategies. That was until we contacted Progressive Marketing. With the help of their marketing campaigns and strategies, we can help thousands of health officials treat patients and save lives. Thank you for your services Progressive Marketing!”

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