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+992% Organic Traffic in 5 Months

Online Courses

The client had online courses and wanted to get enrollments from all over the world. When the client came, they had insignificant monthly visits to the website and 0 enrollments because of having no SEO strategy and implementation.


Client’s Background

The client was offering online courses to undergraduate students from all over the world through their educational platform. They could not get a better Google ranking and relevant traffic to their website. To achieve this, the only thing they were missing was a team to design an SEO strategy for them and implement it.


The client’s main objective was to increase organic and relevant website traffic, increase enrollments, and ensure buyer retention.


The following were the main obstacles that stopped the client from achieving their goals:

  • Low presence of the website on search results
  • Getting less and irrelevant traffic
  • No SEO strategy in place
  • Poor UI/UX
  • Lack of SEO-based website content


Looking at the client’s objective and challenges, we identified their needs and goals, conducted thorough research, and implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy. This strategy included everything to bring steady traffic to the website by improving its Google SERP ranking through on-page and off-page optimization.


Implementation Process

We focused on boosting organic traffic to the website by following these steps:

The implementation

Competitor Research and Keyword Analysis

After identifying the root cause through an SEO audit, we conducted keyword research to pick the most relevant search terms for the client’s niche. We also performed a thorough competitor analysis to search for relevant keywords.

On-Site Content

The existing on-site content had grammatical and structural issues. We rewrote SEO-optimized content for the complete website and ensured its readability suited its target audience.

Meta Data

Some web pages like “About” and “Courses” had missing meta data. We took care of the meta titles, meta descriptions, and image alt text for the complete website and ensured its SEO optimization.

Website Speed Optimization

Due to the big-sized images used in the website and several other factors, the website’s loading speed and responsiveness were heavily affected. We fixed it by compressing the images, reducing the number of plugins used, and using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Mobile Responsiveness

The website’s mobile version was almost correct. However, we quickly fixed a few adaptability issues with the website’s content to ensure its mobile responsiveness.

Off-Page Optimization / Link Building

Once we finished on-page optimization, we produced about 140 high-quality backlinks, 2 guest posts monthly for 6 months, and managed social media content to induce traffic from external sources.

Internal and External Links

The on-site content included 1 blog post weekly. To ensure better website optimization, we added internal and external links to each blog post to build authenticity and overall ranking of the blog post in Google Search.


— we achieved
Growth in Organic Traffic
Paid Enrollments

“I’m impressed with the level of expertise of this team. Their strategies were well-researched and effective resulting in a significant increase in my website’s ranking on Google. This led to a boost in enrollment in my online courses and it all cost me less than expected.”

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