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600% Increase in Organic Traffic in 8 Months

Medical Equipment

The client had medical equipment such as oxygen concentrators, X-Ray machines, MRI scanners, etc., and all kinds of healthcare accessories.


Client’s Background

The client was a vendor of medical devices such as blood pressure cuffs, oxygen concentrators, etc., and wanted to gain more traffic from the target market. They had already done some basic keyword analysis and competitor research. Still, they required a professional team to design an effective SEO strategy to get relevant and organic traffic to their website.


To increase online visibility, attract more qualified traffic to their website, and ultimately generate more leads and sales.


The client faced the following challenges:

  • High competition in the healthcare niche
  • No technical knowledge of SEO
  • Having problems adhering to regulations of the healthcare industry


Since the client wasn’t getting relevant traffic to their website, we created a plan to make the website rank better on search engines. We did this by making the website faster and easier to use. We also changed the website’s content to make it more attractive to visitors. As a result, the website ranked #3 due to having authentic and relevant content, high website performance, better UI/UX, and high-quality backlinks.


Implementation Process

The following is our step-by-step approach for achieving the #3 ranking on Google SERPs:

The implementation

SEO Audit and Analysis

We evaluated the SEO performance of the website through Google Webmaster Tool and Google Analytics. After thorough analysis, we concluded the website’s on-page performance was not up to the mark. It also required tons of link-building to achieve a higher Google ranking and more organic traffic.

Keyword Research

We conducted keyword analysis using different tools (Semrush and Ahrefs) to choose the most authentic and relevant keywords in the client’s niche. We used them throughout the on-page and off-page content.

On-Page Optimization

The on-site content was complete except for the product descriptions for each medical device. The client provided instruction manuals for each product, and we wrote SEO-optimized descriptions accordingly.

Technical SEO

The metadata and schema markup was missing. We crawled the website, extracted all web pages, and wrote meta titles, meta descriptions, and image alt texts for them. We also added the schema markup to its HTML code to ensure it’s easily indexed and authorized by search engines.

Website Speed Optimization

The website’s efficiency was greatly affected due to several factors, like the extensive usage of high-resolution images. To address this problem, we implemented a few corrective measures. Firstly, we optimized the images by compressing them to reduce their file size without compromising their visual quality. Secondly, we removed a lot of extra plugins as they added unnecessary code and increased the website’s loading time.

Mobile Responsiveness

We conducted a thorough analysis of the website’s mobile layout and design. After identifying the problem areas, we modified the website’s content to make it more compatible with different screen sizes and resolutions. As a result, the website’s mobile version became significantly more user-friendly, with a smoother and more responsive design that allowed visitors to access and use the website from any mobile device easily.

Off-Page Optimization / Link Building

We shifted our focus to enhancing the website’s traffic by implementing off-page SEO strategies. We conducted research to see how we could improve the website’s external traffic. The plan was to develop high-quality backlinks, publish multiple guest posts monthly, and implement a social media content management strategy. We were able to generate a significant increase in traffic to the website over the six-month period.

Internal and External Links

We introduced internal and external links to the on-site content to optimize the website. This included publishing weekly blog posts and linking to credible sources to establish authority and improve search engine ranking. Our strategy increased website traffic and improved online visibility, contributing to the brand’s overall growth in the digital marketplace.


— we achieved
Increase in Organic Website Clicks
Organic Impressions Increase
Average SERP Position

“I approached Progressive Marketing with the goal of getting more conversions for my medical equipment and I must say, the results have been remarkable. I saw a massive boost in our web traffic and sales within the first 3 months.”

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